Italy's Sibillini National Park

18,50 €
Codice prodotto
Autore: Price G.
Walking and trekking in Italy's Sibillini National Park.

Spedizione Gratuita
Spesa minima per la spedizione gratuita: 50,00 €

NOTA: Valido solo per spedizioni in Italia

The wondrously varied landscapes of the Sibillini make for memorable outdoor holidays at any time of year, and holidaymakers of all grades of walking expertise will find something to get their boots into. There are leisurely strolls across flowered meadows and paths down eerie canyons, dizzy high ridge itineraries and a host of walkers’ peaks. Thanks to dedicated nature lovers and environmental activists, in 1993 this wonderland finally became the Parco Nazionale dei Monti Sibillini, encompassing 700km2. This guidebook by Gillian Price provides a selection of 21 day walks ranging from 1hr 30mins to 6hrs in duration. In addition, a magnificent 8-day trek circling the Sibillini is given in detail: the GAS - Grande Anello dei Sibillini - is highly recommended and accessible to everyone, as nothing of a mountaineering nature is required. Access – for the Sibillini the most convenient places to fly into are the airports on the Adriatic coast: Ancona, Pescara and Rimini. Also fairly convenient are Rome’s two airports. All have bus connections to railway stations. 21 day walks and one 8-day trek, suitable for walkers of all abilities, a long walking season, from early spring to late autumn, the first original English-language guide to the area, details of accommodation, refreshments and public transport along all the routes with full-colour mapping and profiles. In english. Il Grande Anello dei Sibillini in 8 tappe e 21 escursioni giornaliere per conoscere uno dei gruppi più affascinanti del nostro Appennino, all'interno di un grande Parco nazionale. In lingua inglese con dettagliate informazioni logistiche
Maggiori Informazioni
Codice prodotto UM145
Autore Price G.
Lingue incluse Inglese
Anno 2013
Formato 12x18
Pagine 182
Foto col
Stati Italia
Regioni Italia Marche, Umbria
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L'ESCURSIONISTA s.a.s. di Zavatta Luca e C. - Via Mario Capelli, 21 - 47922 RIMINI (RN) Tel. 0541772586 - Fax 05411523255 - P.IVA e C.F. 03116110408 - E-Mail: - REA: RN 278694 - Sviluppato da ing. Loris Menghi